Use Second Hand Classifieds in UK and Crete to Beat the Credit Crunch

It may not be your usual cup of tea, but when it comes to second hand goods don't feel shy or embarrassed to use the classifieds section of websites such as the "Crete Classifieds" Board to buy, sell, exchange or "recycle".


Because of the Credit Crunch, you'll be in good company. Regardless of our financial wherewithal, we are all having to make adjustments in lifestyle. Some more than others, depending on the cash flow and available funds. Like for example, people focussing on buying second hand, not new.

I have just been reading research in Britain from the UK+Ireland credit rating company, Experian, of how, regardless of social status, online users are searching like crazy for second hand goods to beat the credit crunch of 2008.

The facts from UK are these: Internet searches for second hand goods have increased by nearly a quarter over the last 12 months, while "Classifieds" websites have experienced a nigh on 50 per cent increase in traffic over the same period.

In other words, Brits are searching for bargains galore online.

"Second hand cars" is the current favoured search term for "second hand". Mind you that is just one of more than 20,000 variations in related search terms to choose from.

If you are a bookworm and looking for a hefty tome to buy at a knock down price you could be in terrific luck as "second hand books" was the next favoured search term, followed by "second hand car prices", "second hand furniture" and "second hand bikes". For the latter it wasn't quite clear whether the reference meant, "push bikes/pedal bikes" or motorised versions - a scooter or moped - whatever.

UK's Top 10 Classified Web Sites

Visits to Freecycle, the environmentally friendly website that enables people to recycle their unwanted goods by passing them on to others, recently increased by 35%. According to Experian, Freecycle is currently most popular in Wales and the West Midlands and is used most by people with families.

If you are interested to know the Top 10 "Classifieds" websites (by market share in UK) , they are: (No 1)

If you are curious to know what second hand goods are being bought, sold or exchanged in our free Crete Classifieds pages by expat Brits and Irish Expats resident in Greece and the Greek Islands, check this link.

I know I am always curious to get a glimpse of how others live, although I am not in the market for a second hand car or bike right now, but may be looking for some second hand balcony furniture, in good condition. How about you?

By the way, our Crete Forum community is completely FREE to join and to post classified announcements.

The resident British and Irish Living on Crete are on the whole a practical and savvy lot of people acting, as they do, as a hub of expat activities on the Island. If you are like them, I hope you too are finding creative ways to cope with the financial pressures and insecurities brought on by the global credit debacle. Think twice before discarding any personal or household belongings.

Three tips on handling second hand goods:

1. If you can sell them, do so.

2. If you can exchange them, do so.

3. If you can recycle ( pass them along) without something in return, do so.

4. If you spot someone or a family in need, then donate to them.

Whatever you do, you'll be helping to better the world we live in.