Living in Crete | Maukie - Brits in Crete New Pet

I thought I would share with you the fact that Brits in Crete has a new house mate. It is Maukie. She is fun to live with and enjoys being teased.

Yet, Maukie is the fiercest, cutest cat ever to terrorize your mouse pointer.

While Maukie is fun, the page is serious and does its best to be informative about Crete its animal husbandary, our pets, their transportation, animal shelters and that we treat them with special favour and respect. These values sometimes can conflict with those that some of our Cretan friends and neighbours may hold about keeping, rearing and treating animals as pets and members of a household. The page talks about that aspect of life in Crete too.

So have fun and catch Maukie on our Brits in CreteAnimal Welfare in Crete page. Go on .... you know you want to ...