Internet in Crete | BritsinCrete Forum is Back Online

Friday April 27 and BritsinCrete Forum is back on line. The Crete Internet is buzzing again, 12 days after we got disconnected through no fault of our own.

We return with a vengeance.

Handling websites is a tricky business. We would have been live again, some four hours earlier than the time we were actually (1800 GMT +/- a few minutes either way) activated. The reason was a tiny code that needed finding. A bit like a needle in a haystack but the techies did it.

BritsinCrete are now a direct client of one of the UK's largest server capacity providers (Legend/THUS plc).

I am confident we can get back to being online 99.99 per cent of the time, without reliability issues.

There is the ongoing e-mail issue / problem with and senders of emails to hotmail addresses, including from BritsinCrete who will still get "timed out - undeliverable" messages. That is an issue between internet companies and not us the users of e-mail addresses.

Nominet also informed me today that we - - are listed correctly after all the domain name transfers, were processed by them.